22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

"I feel it in my heart"

Last week at church during what we call Sacrament meeting, I was whispering to Ella about how to be reverent and think about Jesus.

In my diaper bag I had a little board book I received as a gift before Ella was born. In it are paintings from the artist, Greg Olsen that have been put to simple words for little ones to look at. We have used it since Ella was little during Sacrament meeting to help her, as well as ourselves think about Jesus.

(Image from Greg Olsen)

So I pulled that book out of my bag and started flipping through pictures with Ella. We got to one image which depicted Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene. In it Christ has the nail prints in his hands and feet and so I decided to point those out to Ella, here is how the conversation went -

Me: "See the owies on Jesus' hands and feet?"
Ella: "Yes."
Me: "Jesus got those when he was hung on a cross. He did that because he loves us so much. Because he has those owies, he is helping us to return and live back with Heavenly Father again one day."
Ella: "I can feel that in my heart."

I know that what she was trying to say was that she could feel the Spirit testifying to her heart that what I was teaching her was true.

She is so in-tune with spiritual things it amazes me sometimes. She loves to pretend she is conducting and teaching Family Home Evening. I love to watch her bear her testimony at the end.

Her prayers are some of the most sincere things I have ever heard. She always expresses gratitude for the Prophet, President Monson and has just started saying thanks for President "Earring" and President "Dorf".

We have started teaching the kids how to say their personal prayers (not just our family prayer). It is so adorable to kneel down next to her and listen to her (without direction from us) speak with her Father in Heaven. The faith of a child is so amazing! I just wish I could have 1/2 of the faith she does.

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