3 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Recipe Bucket List – RecipeGirl.com

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I’ve wanted to make a bucket list for a while… you know what a bucket list is, right?  A list of things that you totally want to do sometime before you die?  I don’t have a personal bucket list for myself because I just take life as it comes and enjoy every opportunity that it gives me.  But for recipes- I need a list!  There are zillions of recipes out there, I want to try anything and (most) everything), so here’s my bucket list of recipes I want to make sometime in the next 50 or so years!  I’ll be sharing them on my site as I make them and crossing them off the ‘ol list as they are tried and true.  And oh… if you have any “bucket list” recipes that you’d like me to make- please share in the comments.  And if you happen to have a wonderful family favorite recipe for anything that is mentioned below, please email it to me at foodie {at} recipegirl {dot} com and I’ll do my best to make your recipe and share it here on RecipeGirl!

My Recipe Bucket List:


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